Britannica Fundamentals
Britannica High School

Quick facts and in-depth information on history, geography, people, places, science, and more.
Britannica School

Nonfiction geared for K-12 students. Includes articles, images, eBooks, novels, and essays.
Britannica School - Elementary

Grades 3-4. Information on countries, animals, and people. Watch and learn with videos, games, and activities.
Britannica School - Middle
Career Exploration
Career Preparation
College Students

Math, reading, grammar, and science review. Practice test for graduate school, placement exams and preparation.
Early Learning
English Language Arts Skills
Explora For Educators
Explora for Elementary School

Content from children's magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedia entries, and images. Tutorial
Explora for Public Libraries

Arts, biography, business, current events, geography, culture, health, history, social science, science, and math. Tutorial
Explora High School
Explora Middle School
High School Equivalency Center
History Reference Center
Literary Reference
Math & Science Skills

Practice and review algebra, functions, geometry, statistics, science, technology, and more.
Opposing Viewpoints

Provides different views about issues that help students develop critical thinking skills. Tutorial
Poetry & Short Story

Poems, short stories, biographies, and essays. Poetic forms, movements, and techniques.
Points of View
Prepare for College

Explore college study practice tests for ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, AP, Toefl iBt and more. Tutorial
School Center

Grades 4-12 skills improvement in math, writing and grammar, reading comprehension, social studies, and vocabulary and spelling. Tutorial
Science Reference Center

Includes biology, chemistry, earth & space science, the environment, health & medicine, history of science, etc. Tutorial
Social Studies Skills

Topics include U.S. history, world history, civics, government, and AP tests. Tutorial